2019 Recap and Word for 2020
/Happy 2020!! Wow. Can you believe that we’re starting a new century? It’s exciting and yet overwhelming to think about how quickly time passes. It seems like just yesterday we were starting the year 2000 which was such a big deal! :-)
This is somewhat of a personal post - focusing less on decor and more on my heart as I have been reflecting on things from this past year. I will still be sharing a few of my favorite projects from 2019- because that is part of my reflection - but not until later in this post so bear with me.
If you remember my first post of 2019, I shared with you my word for the year which was: SAVOR. Each year when I choose a word, I really try to implement it into my day to day living. Last year, I focused on slowing down and embracing moments with people, learning to listen and talk less while soaking up experiences. My motto was: Slow Down! I know I need to continue to grow in this area (this is coming from a chronic fast walker and talker and doer of projects) SO…..my goal is to continue to apply this word to my life in the days ahead. I don’t just want to rush on to the new year and forget what I’ve learned in 2019.
Personal Reflections from this past year….
People matter more than things.
We all know this to be true - but when you slow down - you really notice this truth. I’m not saying that decor and creating a beautiful home does not matter. I’m basically saying that for me this is a reminder not to lose the focus on why I create beautiful spaces which is for people to enjoy! I’m hard-wired to create beautiful things. It’s just who I am. However, I have learned this year as I’ve practiced slowing down…that loving people as God does really feeds my soul and makes me truly happy.
Slowing down isn’t easy but it’s necessary!
I’ve already shared with you that I am a chronic fast paced person. In fact, I often pride myself in doing things quickly. For example, I often think, “How fast can I get in and out of the store, or finish a project or how much can I get accomplished in a day?” I can fill my schedule so easily with things that I want to get done because it makes me feel good about myself. Honestly, it’s difficult for me to take an hour to sit, reflect and just SAVOR God’s presence. Yet, this is crucial for my soul. I have learned that when I make it a habit of slowing down (putting my phone and computer away), I am a happier person - which makes people around me (including my hubby) happier, too.
Clarity is the result of SAVORing and slowing down.
An opposite analogy of this is when you’re riding in a car and things are whizzing by you so fast that you can’t seem to notice the beauty around you. It’s virtually impossible to notice beauty when we’re rushing. When we slow down and SAVOR moments throughout each day - God’s creation comes alive, we see the beauty in people (even our family…ha!), and we are able to listen. The outcome is greater clarity - which produces peace.
My Word for 2020: ENRICH
Now, let me share with you my word for 2020. I have really been thinking about this and asking the Lord to show me what His vision is for me in the year ahead and the word He placed on my heart is: ENRICH.
Enrich means: To improve the quality of something by adding to it, to give value or importance, to decorate, adorn (which you know I love!), to add nutrients, to enhance, refine, or supplement.
I am not sure what the upcoming year will entail for my life - but I do know that I desire to let the Lord continue to ENRICH me with His presence first and foremost. I also want to be more intentional with my time - pouring into people (specifically: young women leaders)…ENRICHing them by listening and just being there. I also want to continue to ENRICH areas in my home, our Airbnb’s and other people’s spaces that I help to decorate. My goal is to enhance other’s lives and to supplement beauty…all while continuing to SAVOR each day. Sounds like a lot but I am hopeful!
Recap of 2019 - My favorite Projects
So now, I want to share with you some of my favorite projects/moments that I’ve SAVORED in 2019:
Row House Airbnb renovations
Loved working with some amazing brands including:
Painted this back wall using a sponge at our cottage Airbnb.
I’m so grateful for you and your support this past year. I’m praying the year ahead will be ENRICHed with God’s presence, fun times and the joy of having others in your life! Happy 2020!
Sending Hugs from afar -