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Easy DIY Wall Art

Hello everyone! If you follow me on Instagram, you know that I love changing up the spaces in our home and in our Airbnb properties. In fact, one of the easiest ways to bring a fresh look into your home is by changing up your wall decor. I also LOVE saving money and I’m all about finding ways to be creative AND frugal. So - today I’m showing you how you can design your own wall art for your home.

Here are the ones that I recently painted for our Midtown Bungalow Airbnb.

Steps that I used to create these:

1. Find frames or canvases from a thrift store.

I found these pictures from our local Goodwill and knew the black frames would be perfect to help tie in the black rug. These were $2.99 ea….yay! (I suggest finding pics at a thrift store to save money but you can purchase frames at any craft store, too!)

2. Use Painter’s Tape to cover frame

If you’re using canvases you won’t need to do this. However, I have seen people use painter’s tape to do some cool designs on their pics.

3. Paint a primer right over the glass.

You may ask why I wouldn’t just paint over the pic and leave the glass alone. Well, this is a personal preference! Feel free to do this however you would like. I didn’t want the glare from the glass (because we display these pics on our Airbnb site and non-glaring pics show up best on our website).

4. Collect the paints you want to use.

I basically just grabbed a variety of paints that I had on hand that would work well in tying in this color palette.

5. Begin Painting!

I used a disposable paint tray to mix my colors, but you can use a paper plate or a piece of cardboard. I then began to just do swirly designs with all of the colors (Really no rhyme or reason!). Another idea is for you to copy the artwork from a store or on-line.

6. Take off the tape and enjoy your new pics!

So easy! The great thing about this project is that you won’t spend much money so if you make a mistake or they don’t turn out like you like…”Oh, Well!” :-)

Here are a few others that I’ve done….

In this basement bedroom, I simply tore out pages from an old book and glued them onto this wood frame.

I used the same technique (from my tutorial above) on these pics below. I simply copied pictures from a magazine (Anthropologie). I know…very amateur….but it’s fine for Our Downtown Rowhouse Airbnb!

Our Downtown Rowhouse Airbnb

Let me know if you try this project! I would love to see your creative designs!

Sending hugs from afar -